Default Keyboard Shortcuts
Alice Koreman edited this page on May 15, 2023 · 21 revisions
Line Operations
Windows/Linux | Mac | Action |
Ctrl-D | Command-D | Remove line |
Alt-Shift-Down | Command-Option-Down | Copy lines down |
Alt-Shift-Up | Command-Option-Up | Copy lines up |
Alt-Down | Option-Down | Move lines down |
Alt-Up | Option-Up | Move lines up |
Alt-Delete | Ctrl-K | Remove to line end |
Alt-Backspace | Command-Backspace | Remove to linestart |
Ctrl-Backspace | Option-Backspace, Ctrl-Option-Backspace | Remove word left |
Ctrl-Delete | Option-Delete | Remove word right |
— | Ctrl-O | Split line |
Windows/Linux | Mac | Action |
Ctrl-A | Command-A | Select all |
Shift-Left | Shift-Left | Select left |
Shift-Right | Shift-Right | Select right |
Ctrl-Shift-Left | Option-Shift-Left | Select word left |
Ctrl-Shift-Right | Option-Shift-Right | Select word right |
Shift-Home | Shift-Home | Select line start |
Shift-End | Shift-End | Select line end |
Alt-Shift-Right | Command-Shift-Right | Select to line end |
Alt-Shift-Left | Command-Shift-Left | Select to line start |
Shift-Up | Shift-Up | Select up |
Shift-Down | Shift-Down | Select down |
Shift-PageUp | Shift-PageUp | Select page up |
Shift-PageDown | Shift-PageDown | Select page down |
Ctrl-Shift-Home | Command-Shift-Up | Select to start |
Ctrl-Shift-End | Command-Shift-Down | Select to end |
Ctrl-Shift-D | Command-Shift-D | Duplicate selection |
Ctrl-Shift-P | — | Select to matching bracket |
Ctrl-Shift-M | Ctrl-Shift-M | Expand to matching |
Ctrl-, Ctrl-P | Command-\ | Jump to matching |
Ctrl-Shift-, Ctrl-Shift-P | Command-Shift-\ | Select to matching |
Ctrl-Shift-L | Command-Shift-L | Expand to line |
Windows/Linux | Mac | Action |
Ctrl-Alt-Up | Ctrl-Option-Up | Add cursor above |
Ctrl-Alt-Down | Ctrl-Option-Down | Add cursor below |
Ctrl-Alt-Right | Ctrl-Option-Right | Add next occurrence to multi-selection |
Ctrl-Alt-Left | Ctrl-Option-Left | Add previous occurrence to multi-selection |
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Up | Ctrl-Option-Shift-Up | Move multicursor from current line to the line above |
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Down | Ctrl-Option-Shift-Down | Move multicursor from current line to the line below |
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Right | Ctrl-Option-Shift-Right | Remove current occurrence from multi-selection and move to next |
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Left | Ctrl-Option-Shift-Left | Remove current occurrence from multi-selection and move to previous |
Ctrl-Shift-L | Ctrl-Shift-L | Select all from multi-selection |
Ctrl-Alt-A | Ctrl-Alt-A | Align cursors |
Go to
Windows/Linux | Mac | Action |
Left | Left, Ctrl-B | Go to left |
Right | Right, Ctrl-F | Go to right |
Ctrl-Left | Option-Left | Go to word left |
Ctrl-Right | Option-Right | Go to word right |
Up | Up, Ctrl-P | Go line up |
Down | Down, Ctrl-N | Go line down |
Alt-Left, Home | Command-Left, Home, Ctrl-A | Go to line start |
Alt-Right, End | Command-Right, End, Ctrl-E | Go to line end |
PageUp | Option-PageUp | Go to page up |
PageDown | Option-PageDown, Ctrl-V | Go to page down |
Ctrl-Home | Command-Home, Command-Up | Go to start |
Ctrl-End | Command-End, Command-Down | Go to end |
Ctrl-L | Command-L | Go to line… |
Ctrl-Down | Command-Down | Scroll line down |
Ctrl-Up | — | Scroll line up |
Ctrl-P | — | Go to matching bracket |
— | Option-PageDown | Scroll page down |
— | Option-PageUp | Scroll page up |
Alt-E | F4 | Go to next error |
Alt-Shift-E | Shift-F4 | Go to previous error |
Windows/Linux | Mac | Action |
Ctrl-F | Command-F | Find |
Ctrl-H | Command-Option-F | Replace |
Ctrl-K | Command-G | Find next |
Ctrl-Shift-K | Command-Shift-G | Find previous |
Ctrl-Alt-K | Ctrl-Alt-G | Find all |
Alt-K | Ctrl-G | Select or find next |
Alt-Shift-K | Ctrl-Shift-G | Select or find previous |
Windows/Linux | Mac | Action |
F2 | F2 | Toggle fold widget |
Alt-F2 | Alt-F2 | Toggle parent fold widget |
Alt-L, Ctrl-F1 | Command-Option-L, Command-F1 | Fold selection |
Alt-Shift-L, Ctrl-Shift-F1 | Command-Option-Shift-L, Command-Shift-F1 | Unfold |
Alt-0 | Command-Option-0 | Fold all |
Alt-Shift-0 | Command-Option-Shift-0 | Unfold all |
— | Ctrl-Command-Option-0 | Fold all comments |
Windows/Linux | Mac | Action |
F1 | F1 | Open command palette |
Tab | Tab | Indent |
Ctrl-] | Ctrl-] | Block indent |
Shift-Tab | Shift-Tab | Outdent |
Ctrl-[ | Ctrl-[ | Block outdent |
Ctrl-Z | Command-Z | Undo |
Ctrl-Shift-Z, Ctrl-Y | Command-Shift-Z, Command-Y | Redo |
Ctrl-, | Command-, | Show the settings menu |
Ctrl-/ | Command-/ | Toggle comment |
Ctrl-Shift-/ | Command-Shift-/ | Toggle block comment |
Ctrl-T | Ctrl-T | Transpose letters |
Ctrl-Enter | Command-Enter | Enter full screen |
Ctrl-Shift-U | Ctrl-Shift-U | Change to lower case |
Ctrl-U | Ctrl-U | Change to upper case |
Insert | Insert | Overwrite |
Ctrl-Shift-E | Command-Shift-E | Macros replay |
Ctrl-Alt-E | — | Macros recording |
Delete | — | Delete |
— | Ctrl-L | Center selection |
Ctrl-U | Ctrl-U | To uppercase |
Ctrl-Shift-U | Ctrl-Shift-U | To lowercase |
Ctrl-Alt-S | Command-Alt-S | Sort lines |
Ctrl-Shift-Up | Alt-Shift-Up | Modify number up |
Ctrl-Shift-Down | Alt-Shift-Down | Modify number down |
Ctrl-Shift-B | Ctrl-Shift-B | Format selection (Beautify) |
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