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English Appropriate Preposition

English Appropriate Preposition



SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
01 Abide by    
02 Abound in    
03 Absent from    
04 Absorbed in    
05 Access to    
06 According to    
07 Accompanied by    
08 Accompanied with    
09 Acquainted with    
10 Accused of    
11 Accustomed to    
12 Acquit of    
13 Add to    
14 Addicted to    
15 Adjacent to    
16 Admit of    
17 Admit to    
18 Admit into    
19 Affection for    
20 Affectionate to    
21 Afraid of    
22 Agree with    
23 Agree on    
24 Agree to    
25 Aim at    
26 Alarmed at    
27 Allot to    
28 Alternative to    
29 Aloof from    
30 Ambition for    
31 Angry with    
32 Angry for    
33 Angry at    
34 Annoyed with    
35 Annoyed for    
36 Anxious about    
37 Anxious for    
38 Appeal to    
39 Appeal for    
40 Appeal against    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
41 Aptitude for    
42 Arrive at    
43 Argue with    
44 Argue for    
45 Argue against    
46 Assign to    
47 Ashamed at    
48 Ashamed for    
49 Atten to    
50 Attach to    
51 Allend on    
52 Allend upon    
53 Avail of    
54 Aware of    
55 Based of    
56 Beg for    
57 Believe in    
58 Belong to    
59 Bent on    
60 Beware of    
61 Blessed with    
62 Blind of    
63 Blind to    
64 Blush with    
65 Blush for    
66 Boast of    
67 Born of    
68 Born in    
69 Bound for    
70 Brood on    
71 Brood over    
72 Burst into    
73 Busy with    
74 Callous to    
75 Capable to    
76 Capacity for    
77 Care for    
78 Care of    
79 Careful to    
80 Certain of    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
81 Close to    
82 Clue to    
83 Come of    
84 Charge with    
85 Charge on    
86 Charge against    
87 Commence on    
88 Comment on    
89 Compare with    
90 Compare to    
91 Complain to    
92 Complain against    
93 Complain about    
94 Comply with    
95 Composed of    
96 Confident of    
97 Confined in    
98 Confined to    
99 Congratulate on    
100 Conscious of    
101 Consist of    
102 Consistent with    
103 Consult with    
104 Consult on    
105 Consult about    
106 Contrary to    
107 Contribute to    
108 Control over    
109 Count for    
110 Cure of    
111 Crave for    
112 Deaf of    
113 Deaf to    
114 Deal in    
115 Deal with    
116 Dedicate to    
117 Delight in    
118 Depend on    
119 Deprived of    
120 Desire for    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
121 Desirous of    
122 Despair of    
123 Destined of    
124 Devoid of    
125 Devote of    
126 Die of    
127 Die from    
128 Die for    
129 Die by    
130 Die in    
131 Differ from    
132 Difference between    
133 Different from    
134 Disgrace to    
135 Disgusted with    
136 Displeased with    
137 Displeased to    
138 Dislike for    
139 Dispose of    
140 Distinguish from    
141 Divert from    
142 Divide into    
143 Divide between    
144 Divide among    
145 Due to    
146 Dull of    
147 Dull at    
148 Eager for    
149 Eager about    
150 Eligible for    
151 Encroach on    
152 End in    
153 Endowed with    
154 Engaged with    
155 Enquire of    
156 Enter into    
157 Envy of    
158 Envious of    
159 Entitled to    
160 Equal in    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
161 Escape from    
162 Escape by    
163 Esteem for    
164 Excel in    
165 Excuse for    
166 Excuse from    
167 Exempt from    
168 Faith in    
169 Faith with    
170 Faithful to    
171 False to    
172 Famous for    
173 Familiar with    
174 Fatal to    
175 Favour with    
176 In Favour of    
177 Favorable to    
178 Favorable for    
179 Feel for    
180 Feel in    
181 Fit for    
182 Fond of    
183 Free from    
184 Fill with    
185 Full of    
186 Glance at    
187 Good at    
188 Grateful to    
189 Grateful for    
190 Greed for    
191 Guess at    
192 Guilty of    
193 Hanker after    
194 Hand at    
195 Heir of    
196 Heir to    
197 Hope for    
198 Hunger for    
199 Ignorant of    
200 Ill with    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
201 Impose on    
202 Indebted to    
203 Indifferent to    
204 Indulge in    
205 Inform of    
206 Inferior to    
207 Inquire of    
208 Insist about    
209 Interest into    
210 Interfere with    
211 Invite to    
212 Involved in    
213 Jealous of    
214 Jump at    
215 Jump to    
216 Junior to    
217 Junior to    
218 Justification of    
219 Kind of    
220 Kind to    
221 Lack of    
222 Lacking in    
223 Lame of    
224 Lament for    
225 Late in    
226 Laugh at    
227 Lay by    
228 Liable to    
229 Liking for    
230 Limit to    
231 Limited to    
232 Listen to    
233 Live on    
234 Live by    
235 Live beyond    
236 Live within    
237 Look at    
238 Look after    
239 Look for    
240 Look into    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
241 Look over    
242 Look up    
243 Long for    
244 Loyal to    
245 Mad with    
246 Made of    
247 Make for    
248 Make out    
249 Marry to    
250 Mourn for    
251 Need for    
252 Need of    
253 Object to    
254 Oblige with    
255 Oblige by    
256 Obstacle to    
257 Obsessed by    
258 Obsessed with    
269 Occupied with    
260 Occupied in    
261 Occur to    
262 Occur in    
263 Offend against    
264 Offended with    
265 Offensive to    
266 Officiate for    
267 Officiate in    
268 Open to    
269 Open at    
270 Opportunity for    
271 Opportunity of    
272 Opposite to    
273 Owe to    
274 Parallel to    
275 Part from    
276 Partial to    
277 Partiality for    
278 Pass for    
279 Pass away    
280 Persist in    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
281 Pity for    
282 Play on    
283 Plead with    
284 Plead for    
285 Plead against    
286 Pleased with    
287 Pleased at    
288 Polite in    
289 Polite to    
290 Poor in    
291 Popular with    
292 Prefer to    
293 Preferable to    
294 Preside over    
295 Pretend to    
296 Prevent from    
297 Pride on    
298 Proud of    
299 Prior to    
300 Prior to    
301 Prohibit from    
302 Prompt at    
303 Prone to    
304 Proportionate to    
305 Provide against    
306 Provide for    
307 Provide with    
308 Qualified for    
309 Quick at    
310 Quick of    
311 Quarrel with    
312 Quarrel for    
313 Quarrel over    
314 Quarrel about    
315 Refer to    
316 Rejoice at    
317 Relevant in    
318 Rely on    
319 Remedy for    
320 Remind of    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
321 Render into    
322 Replace with    
323 Require of    
324 Resign to    
325 In Respect of    
326 With Respect to    
327 Respond to    
328 Responsible to    
329 Rest with    
330 Rest upon    
331 Restore to    
332 Restrict to    
333 Retire from    
334 Rech on    
335 Rid in    
336 Rob of    
337 Sanguine of    
338 Satisfied with    
339 Satisfied of    
340 Satisfaction in    
341 Satisfaction with    
342 Search for    
343 In Search of    
344 Sensible of    
345 Sensitive to    
346 Sentence to    
347 Sentence for    
348 Senior to    
349 Send for    
350 Sick of    
351 Similar for    
352 Sink in    
353 Slow of    
354 Slow at    
355 Slow in    
356 Smell of    
357 smile smile    
358 Stare at    
359 Stick to    
360 Subject to    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
361 Succeed in    
362 Suffer from    
363 Superior to    
364 Supply with    
365 Supply to    
366 Sure of    
367 Sympathy for    
368 Take after    
369 Talk to    
370 Talk with    
371 Talk of    
372 Taste to    
373 Tell upon    
374 Tide over    
375 Tired of    
376 Think of    
377 Think about    
378 Think over    
379 Tolerant of    
380 Triumph over    
381 True to    
382 Trust with    
383 Unite with    
384 Useful to    
385 Vain of    
386 Vany from    
387 Vexed with    
388 Void of    
389 Wait for    
390 Wait on    
391 Want of    
392 Wanting in    
393 Warm of    
394 Weak in    
395 Weak of    
396 Weary of    
397 Wish for    
398 Wonder at    
399 Worthy of    
400 Zest for    


SI No Word Preposition Meaning For Example: Sentence
401 Compete with    
402 Compete to    
403 Count for    
404 Count upon    
405 Diffident of    
406 Dislike for    
407 Dislike to    
408 Distinguish from    
409 Distinguish between    
410 Engaged with    
411 Engaged in    
412 Engaged to    
413 Enquire of    
414 Enquire into    
415 Equal in    
416 Equal with    
417 Equal to    
418 Justification of    
419 Justification for    
420 Mourn for    
421 Mourn over    
422 Talk to    
423 Talk with    
424 Talk of    
425 Talk over    
426 Trust with    
427 Trust to    
428 Useful to    
429 Useful for    
430 Vexed with    
431 Vexed for    
432 Vexed at    
433 Yield to    
434 Zeal for    
435 Zealous for    
436 Zealous in    
437 Zest for    
438 Anxiety for    
439 Desire for    
440 Greed for    


SI No Preposition Meaning Use Meaning Example: Sentence
441 on      
442 over      
443 above      
444 up      
445 in      
446 into      
447 about      
448 across      
449 after      
450 before      
451 against      
452 along      
453 among      
454 around      
455 at      
456 behind      
457 under      
458 below      
459 beneath      
460 beside      
461 besides      
462 between      
463 beyond      
464 but      
465 by      
466 concerning      
467 despite      
468 down      
469 during      
470 except      
471 for      
472 from      
473 inside      
474 like      
475 near      
476 of      
477 off      
478 onto      
479 out of      
480 outside      


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