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English Articles Basic Concept

English Articles Basic Concept




@.  Articlesare a type of Adjective.

@.  A, an, the together are called Articles.

@.  At present, Articles is called Determiner.

@.  Articlesare only used beforeNoun or Noun Equivalent.


Use of A/An


Rules – 01           [Consonant Sound]


01 A computer, Acountry, Amango, A book, A register, Aman, A tree.
02 A house, A story book…


Rules – 02           [Vowel Sound]           [a, e, i, o, u]


01 An apple, An egg, An orange, An umbrella, An expert teacher.
02 An empty box, An institution…


Rules – 03           [Sound of Eu or Oa]             [a, e, i, o, u]


01 A university, Aunion, A European.
02 A one eyed man…


Rules – 04           [Sound of Vowel]                [a, e, i, o, u]


01 An honest, An hour, An heir…
02 A horse, A house, A housewife, Ahomemaker…


Rules – 05           [Sound of Abbreviation]              [a, e, i, o, u]


01 a B.Sc –a B.A –a B.B.A –aB.C.S…
02 an M.A – an M.B.B.S – an S.P – an X-ray…


Rules – 06           [Compare in two Proper Noun]


01 Jubayer is a second Ainestain. | Fahim thinks that he is a Newton.
02 A Newtor cannot be a Milton. | Ainestain will not be aJakaria.


Rules – 07           [use a/anfor unknown person]


01 A Mr. Jakaria came to here to know about you.
02 Today, I meet a Miss Shathi mam.| Yesterday, I saw to study a Mr. Nur.


Rules – 08           [use a/an for some specific word]

[Many, Mere, Rather, Quite, Such, Not, But]


01 Many a student is present in the class. | It is quite a large building.
02 Jakaria likes such a struggle life. | Today is rather a hot day.


Rules – 09           [use a for some specific word]

[Amount of, Number of]

[Few, Little, Half, Same, Lot of, Good deal, Good many]

[Great many, Dozen, Hundred, Thousand,Million, Billion, Score, Most]


01 Jakaria has a lot of money.  | The two brothers study in a same university.
02 There are a number of teachers. | Tajmahal is a most beautiful building.


Rules – 10           [use a/an for introduce or profession]


01 He isa good student in our class | My father is a good business man.
02 Our mother is a homemaker. | Nur will be an exceptionalSoftware Engineer.


Rules – 11           [use a/an for Exclamatory Sentence]


01 What a nice bird it is!  | What an intelligent boy he is!
02 What a nice university it is! | How nice place it is!




Rules – 12           [use a/an for as, how, so or too + adjective]


01 Iron is so useful ametal.  |
02 The dog is so faithful an animal. |


Rules – 13           [use a/an for indefinite person or things]


01 I live in a tiny room.  |
02 Jakaria bought an ice-cream. |


Rules – 14           [use a/an for some idioms]


01 In a body, in a hurry, in a nutshell. | In fix, in temper…
02 At a time, at a glance, cut a good figure… |



Use of The


Rules – 15           [use the for Proper Noun]


01 Dhaka is the biggest city of Bangladesh. |
02 Jakaria is the Newton of Bangladesh. |


Rules – 16                     [use the for Material or Abstract noun + of]


01 The water of this pond is clean. | The golden of this market is good.
02 The honesty of Jakaria is known to all. |Honesty is the best policy.


Rules – 17                     [use the for United Country]


01 My friend lives in the U.S.A.  | He came from the UK.
02 I and my brother want to go in the U.S.A. | I went to go the U.A.E.




Rules – 18                    [use the for Comparative Degree]


01 Jakaria is taller than Nur.  | Jakaria is the taller than of the two brothers.
02 My mother is the more beautiful than of the two sisters…. |


Rules – 19                    [use the for Specific Nation]


01 The rich are not always happy.  | The poor suffer much on earth.
02 The virtuous are always happy. | The Bengali nation are always braver.


Rules – 20                    [use the for Compare Idioms]


01 The more man gets, the more he wants.  | The sooner, the better.
02 The more you read, the more you learn… |


Rules – 21                    [use the for only one things]


01 The sun, The moon, The sky, The stars, The planet, The Earth…  |
02 The earth moves around the sun. | The bird skies in the sky.


Rules – 22                    [use the for state or religious name]


01 The Muslims should be honest.  |
02 The Bengalies are brave nation. |













Rules – 23                    [use the for specific word]


01 Religious Texts The Quran, The Bible, The Ramayan, The Gita
02 Newspaper The Ittefaq, The Daily Star, The Observer
03 Geographical Area The east, The west, The north, The south
04 Rivers The Padma, The Meghna, The Jamuna, The Tista
05 Seas The Bay of Bengal, The Persian Gulf
06 Oceans The Arablan sea, The Nil, The Atlantic, The Pacific
07 Mountain ranges The Andes, The Himalayas
08 Trains The Karnafully Express, The Mahanager Express
09 Ships The Titanic, The M.v Akber, The M.v Plash
10 Beautiful Buildings The Tajmahal, The Vietorial Memorial Hall
11 Hotels The Sheraton Hotel. The Shonagoan Hotel
12 Deserts The Sahara, The Ther, The Gobi
13 Part of country The Andamans, The west Indies
14 Buildings The Eiffel Tower, The Burj Khalifa
15 Dates The 10th January, The 2nd June, The 15th May
16 Season The winter, The spring, The rainy season
17 Museums The Louvre Museum
18 Periods and Events The Dark age, The World War 2
19 Points on the Globe The Equator, The North Pole
20 Groups of islands The Maldives, The Seychelles



Omission of The


Rules – 24   [omission of the for some specific word]

[Allah, Got, Human nation, Language name, Days name]

[Month name, Lack Boikal, Disease name, Street, Avenue]

[Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday]


01 January is the first month of the year. | He died fora small fox.
02 English is an international language. | The Islampur road is always busy.




Rules – 25                    [omission of the for in Adjective and Noun]


01 Jakaria is a very beautiful boy.  | This is a nice bird.
02 Bangladesh is a small country. |



Rules – 26                    [omission of the for some word]

[Some, Every, Any, This, No, More, Most]


01 Some people know everything about it.  |
02 I have no idea about this topic. |



Rules – 27           [omission of the for Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction]


01 He walks slowly.   | I like cake and ice-cream.
02 I live with my family. |



Rules – 28               [omission of the for possessive]

[My, our, his, her, their, its, my friend]


01 My friend is good student.   |
02 Our country name is Bangladesh. |












Omission of Articles


Rules – 29               [omission of articles for Food and Playing name]


01 We like to play badminton.   |
02 We have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. |



Rules – 30     [omission of articles for proper, material, abstract]

[Father, Mother, Uncle, Brother, Sister, Cousin, Uncle]

[School, College, Mosque, Hospital, Market, Prison, Church]


01 Jakaria goes to school regularly. |
02 I have three brothers but no sisters |



@. I went to the school to see my brother.


@. Jakaria went to the hospital to see his grandmother.



We should not use articles before the proper noun.


01 Lakes Lake Geneva, Lake Placids
02 Mountains Mount Fuji, Mount Everest
03 Continents Europe, Asia
04 Most Countries England, Sweden, Bangladesh
05 States Toronto, California, Darjeeling
06 Division, City London, Dhaka, Paris
07 Islands Bali, Hawaii
08 Street Names Green Road, Main Street, 5th Avenue







Use Articles for UK (United Kingdom)


When referring to the United Kingdom (UK), you can use different articles depending on the context and the specific word that follows.


  1. The – Use “the” when referring to the UK as a whole or as a singular noun.

Such as: I visited the UK last year.


  1. A – Use “a” when using UK as an adjective to describe something.

Such as: She has a UK driving license.


  1. An – Similar to “a” use “an” before UK when it precedes a vowel sound.

Such as: He’s an English teacher from the UK.





Use Articles for Netherlands


When referring to “Netherlands” you can use the definite article “the” before it. So, you would say “the Netherlands.”

The use of the definite article is common with country names that have plural forms or names that include certain geographical features like seas, rivers, or mountain ranges.


Such as:

  1. I’m planning a trip to the Netherlands.
  2. The tulip fields in the Netherlands are beautiful.
  3. Amsterdam is a popular city in the Netherlands.



Practice of Articles

Q Shahid will take train from next stop.
A Shahid will take a train from the next stop.
Q Painter drew life-sized portrait of Salman Shah.
A The painter drew a life-sized portrait of Salman Shah.
Q The book is about man who lives on small island.
A The book is about a man who lives on a small island.
Q They went on expedition to North.
A They went on an expedition to the North.
Q The team organized friendly match with Presidents of both countries.
A The team organized a friendly match with the Presidents of both countries.
Q Are you coming to party next Sunday?
A Are you coming to the party next Sunday?
Q Sahara is in northern part of Africa.
A The Sahara is in the northern part of Africa.
Q Famous poem ‘Old to a Nightingale’ is written by Romantic poet John Keats.
A The famous poem ‘Old to a Nightingale’ is written by the Romantic poet John Keats.
Q Jack of all trades is master of none.
A A Jack of all trades is master of none.
A A Jack of all trades is a master of none.
Q I have fixed appointment with doctor I talked about yesterday.
A I have fixed an appointment with the doctor I talked about yesterday.
A I have a fixed appointment with the doctor I talked about yesterday.
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 2
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 2
Q We started early in morning.
A We started early in the morning.
Q Sun rises in east.
A Sun rises in the east.
Q While there is life there is hope.
A While there is life there is hope.
Q Brave soldier lost his arm in battle.
A The brave soldier lost his arm in the battle.
A The brave soldier lost his arm in battle.
Q Moon shone through night.
A The Moon shone through the night.
Q Wild animals suffer when they are kept in captivity.
A Wild animals suffer when they are kept in captivity.
Q Priest was old Brahmin.
A The priest was an old Brahmin.
Q Man cannot survive without water.
A Man cannot survive without water.
Q Have you never seen elephant?
A Have you never seen an elephant?
Q Singer was old man.
A The singer was an old man.
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 3
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 3
Q It is big decision to choose an university.
A It is a big decision to choose a university.
Q I’ll call you back in a hour.
A I’ll call you back in an hour.
Q History naming of Dhaka is interesting.
A The history naming of Dhaka is interesting.
Q Although almost all insects have six legs, a immature insect may not have any.
A Although almost all insects have six legs, an immature insect may not have any.
Q Philosophy of ancient Greeks has been preserved in the scholarly writing of western civilization.
A Philosophy of the ancient Greeks has been preserved in the scholarly writing of the western civilization.
Q I like cat very much.
A I like a cat very much.
Q There is some juice on table for you.
A There is some juice on the table for you.
Q Hope you have nice day.
A Hope you have a nice day.
Q Nur likes European man.
A Nur likes a European man.
Q I want to eat a orange.
A I want to eat an orange.
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 4
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 4
Q Jakaria would like to live large village.
A Jakaria would like to live a large village.
Q Earth moves around sun.
A The earth moves around the sun.
Q I read good book. Book was about how to use articles correctly in the English.
A I read a good book. The book was about how to use articles correctly in English.
Q I have bought a new pens and pencils at store.
A I have bought new pens and pencils at the store.
Q A book that I read last night was great.
A The book that I read last night was great.
Q My son bought cat. I am looking after cat while he is on vacation.
A My son bought a cat. I am looking after the cat while he is on vacation.
Q He was only person to drop out of the study.
A He was the only person to drop out of the study.
Q I saw elephant at the zoo. When I was at the zoo, I saw elephant!
A I saw the elephant at the zoo. When I was at the zoo, I saw an elephant!
Q Spanish are known for their warm hospitality.
A The Spanish are known for their warm hospitality.
Q Many student was present in meeting.
A Many a student was present in the meeting.
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 5
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 5
Q Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to a city center?
A Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the city center?
Q I like this room but I don’t like a color of carpet.
A I like this room but I don’t like the color of the carpet.
Q Which is largest in Japan?
A Which is the largest in Japan?
Q My father is a M.A in the mathematics.
A My father is an M.A in mathematics.
Q I live in old house near station.
A I live in an old house near the station.
Q Yesterday I met an European playing with boy.
A Yesterday I met a European playing with a boy.
Q Our neighbors have the cat and the dog.
A Our neighbors have a cat and a dog.
Q Professor William is a expert in the mathematics.
A Professor William is an expert in mathematics.
Q Do you have an use for this empty seat?
A Do you have a use for this empty seat?
Q Poverty of people of rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
A The poverty of people of the rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
A The poverty of people of rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 6
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 6
Q Let’s just wait an year or two before applying for the internships.
A Let’s just wait a year or two before applying for the internships.
Q The Pacific Ocean is one of a five oceans of an world.
A The Pacific Ocean is one of the five oceans of the world.
Q I will take an bus from next stop.
A I will take a bus from the next stop.
Q Please give me a cake that is on the counter.
A Please give me the cake that is on the counter.
A Please give me a cake that is on the counter.
Q An ink in my pen is red.
A The ink in my pen is red.
Q My sister will come in the day or two.
A My sister will come in a day or two.
Q Some of a parking space at back are empty.
A Some of the parking spaces at the back are empty.
Q Work of many people made the project a success.
A The work of many people made the project a success.
Q One of a student said, “Professor is late today.
A One of the student said, “the Professor is late today.
Q Sahara is in northern part of the Africa
A The Sahara is in the northern part of Africa.
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 7
Articles Practice Note Part 0209 Page No 7
Q I think that people should protect environment.
A I think that people should protect the environment.
Q A lot of children are accessing internet unsupervised.
A A lot of children are accessing the internet unsupervised.
Q Pacific Ocean is one of the five oceans of world.
A The Pacific Ocean is one of the five oceans of the world.
Q I was in little town, but when I was 12 my family moved to capital.
A I was in a little town, but when I was 12 my family moved to the capital.
Q I have fixed appointment with doctor I talked about yesterday.
A I have fixed an appointment with doctor I talked about yesterday.
Q According to graph, number of working people has doubled.
A According to the graph, the number of working people has doubled.
Q Poverty of people of rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
A The poverty of people of the rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
Q Is there post office near house you live in?
A Is there a post office near the house you live in?
Q I was walking to school when I saw cat.
A I was walking to school when I saw a cat.
Q It is big decision to choose university.
A It is a big decision to choose a university.


Find out and apply where Articles are necessary. Put a Cross (x) where article is not needed:


1. Shahed will take train from next stop.
2. Painter drew life-sized portrait of Salman Shah.
3. The book is about man who lives on small island.
4. They went on expedition to North.
5. The team organized friendly match with Presidents of both the countries.
6. Are you coming to party next Saturday?
7. Sahara is in northern part of Africa.
8. Famous poem ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ is written by Romantic poet John Keats.
9. Jack of all trades is master of none.
10. I have fixed appointment with doctor I talked about yesterday.
11. We started early in morning.
12. Sun rises in east.
13. While there is life there is hope.
14. Brave soldier lost his arm in battle.
15. Moon shone through night.
16. Wild animals suffer when they are kept in captivity.
17. Priest was old Brahmin.
18. Man cannot survive without water.
19. Have you never seen elephant?
20. Singer was old man


1. Shahed will take a train from the next stop.
2. The painter drew a life-sized portrait of Salman Shah.
3. The book is about a man who lives on a small island.
4. They went on an expedition to the North.
5. The team organized a friendly match with the Presidents of both the countries.
6. Are you coming to the party next Saturday?
7. The Sahara is in the northern part of Africa.
8. The Famous poem ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ is written by the Romantic poet John Keats.
9. A jack of all trades is master of none.
10. I have fixed an appointment with the doctor I talked about yesterday.
11. We started early in the morning.
12. The sun rises in the east.
13. While there is life there is hope.
14. The brave soldier lost his arm in the battle.
15. The moon shone through the night.
16. Wild animals suffer when they are kept in captivity.
17. The priest was an old Brahmin.
18. Man cannot survive without water.
19. Have you never seen an elephant?
20. The singer was an old man

Practice Question:

1. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to a city center?
2. I like this room but I don’t like a color of carpet.
3. Which is largest city in Japan?
4. My father is a M.A. in the mathematics.
5. I live in old house near station.
6. Yesterday I met an European playing with boy.
7. Our neighbors have the cat and the dog.
8. Professor William is a expert in the mathematics.
9. Do you have an use for this empty seat?
10. Poverty of people of rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
11. Let’s just wait an year or two before applying for the internships.
12. The Pacific Ocean is one of a five oceans of an world.
13. I will take an bus from next stop.
14. Please give me a cake that is on the counter.
15. An ink in my pen is red.
16. My sister will come in the day or two.
17. Some of a parking space at back are empty.
18. Work of many people made the project a success.
19. One of a student said, “Professor is late today.”
20. Sahara is in northern part of the Africa


1. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the city center?
2. I like this room but I don’t like the color of the carpet.
3. Which is the largest city in Japan?
4. My father is an M.A. in x mathematics.
5. I live in an old house near the station.
6. Yesterday I met a European playing with a boy.
7. Our neighbors have a cat and a dog.
8. Professor William is an expert in x mathematics.
9. Do you have a use for this empty seat?
10. The poverty of people of the rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
11. Let’s just wait a year or two before applying for x internships.
12. The Pacific Ocean is one of the five oceans of the world.
13. I will take a bus from the next stop.
14. Please give me the cake that is on the counter.
15. The ink in my pen is red.
16. My sister will come in a day or two.
17. Some of the parking space at the back are empty.
18. The work of many people made the project a success.
19. One of the students said, “the professor is late today.”
20. The Sahara is in the northern part of x Africa



Practice of Articles


Q Shahid will take train from next stop.
A Shahid will take a train from the next stop.



Q Painter drew life-sized portrait of Salman Shah.
A The painter drew a life-sized portrait of Salman Shah.



Q The book is about man who lives on small island.
A The book is about a man who lives on a small island.



Q They went on expedition to North.
A They went on an expedition to the North.



Q The team organized friendly match with Presidents of both countries.
A The team organized a friendly match with the Presidents of both countries.



Q Are you coming to party next Sunday?
A Are you coming to the party next Sunday?



Q Sahara is in northern part of Africa.
A The Sahara is in the northern part of Africa.



Q Famous poem ‘Old to a Nightingale’ is written by Romantic poet John Keats.
A The famous poem ‘Old to a Nightingale’ is written bythe Romantic poet John Keats.



Q Jack of all trades is master of none.
A A Jack of all trades is master of none.
A A Jack of all trades is a master of none.



Q I have fixed appointment with doctor I talked about yesterday.
A I have fixed anappointment with the doctor I talked about yesterday.
A I have afixed appointment with thedoctor I talked about yesterday.






Q We started early in morning.
A We started early in the morning.



Q Sun rises in east.
A Sun rises in the east.



Q While there is life there is hope.
A While there is life there is hope.



Q Brave soldier lost his arm in battle.
A The brave soldier lost his armin thebattle.
A The brave soldier lost his arm in battle.



Q Moon shone through night.
A TheMoon shone through the night.



Q Wild animals suffer when they are kept in captivity.
A Wild animals suffer when they are kept in captivity.



Q Priest was old Brahmin.
A The priest was an old Brahmin.



Q Man cannot survive without water.
A Man cannot survive without water.



Q Have you never seen elephant?
A Have you never seen an elephant?



Q Singer was old man.
A The singer was an old man.







Q It is big decision to choose an university.
A It is a big decision to choose a university.



Q I’ll call you back in a hour.
A I’ll call you back in an hour.



Q History naming of Dhaka is interesting.
A The history naming of Dhaka is interesting.



Q Although almost all insects have six legs, a immature insect may not have any.
A Although almost all insects have six legs, an immature insect may not have any.



Q Philosophy of ancient Greeks has been preserved in the scholarly writing of western civilization.
A Philosophy of the ancient Greeks has been preserved in the scholarly writing of the western civilization.



Q I like cat very much.
A I like a cat very much.



Q There is some juice on table for you.
A There is some juice on the table for you.



Q Hope you have nice day.
A Hope you have a nice day.



Q Nur likes European man.
A Nur likes a European man.



Q I want to eat a orange.
A I want to eat an orange.











Q Jakaria would like to live large village.
A Jakaria would like to live a large village.



Q Earth moves around sun.
A The earth moves around the sun.



Q I readgood book. Book was about how to use articles correctly inthe English.
A I read a good book. The book was about how to use articles correctly in English.



Q I have bought anew pens and pencils at store.
A I have bought new pens and pencils at the store.



Q A book that I read last night was great.
A The book that I read last night was great.



Q My son bought cat. I am looking after cat while he is on vacation.
A My son bought a cat. I am looking after the cat while he is on vacation.



Q He was only person to drop out of the study.
A He was the only person to drop out of the study.



Q I saw elephant at the zoo. When I was at the zoo, I saw elephant!
A I saw the elephant at the zoo. When I was at the zoo, I saw an elephant!



Q Spanish are known for their warm hospitality.
A The Spanish are known for their warm hospitality.



Q Many student was present in meeting.
A Many a student was present in the meeting.








Q Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to a city center?
A Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the city center?



Q I like this room but I don’t like a color of carpet.
A I like this room but I don’t like the color of thecarpet.



Q Which is largest in Japan?
A Which is the largest in Japan?



Q My father is a M.A in the mathematics.
A My father is an M.A in mathematics.



Q I live in old house near station.
A I live in an old house near the station.



Q Yesterday I met an European playing with boy.
A Yesterday I met a European playing with aboy.



Q Our neighbors have the cat and the dog.
A Our neighbors have a cat and a dog.



Q Professor William is a expert in the mathematics.
A Professor William is an expert in mathematics.



Q Do you have an use for this empty seat?
A Do you have a use for this empty seat?



Q Poverty of people of rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
A The poverty of people of therural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
A The poverty of people of rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.









Q Let’s just wait an year or two before applying for the internships.
A Let’s just wait a year or two before applying for the internships.



Q The Pacific Ocean is one of a five oceans of anworld.
A The Pacific Ocean is one of the five oceans of the world.



Q I will take an bus from next stop.
A I will take a bus from thenext stop.



Q Please give me a cake that is on the counter.
A Please give me thecake that is on the counter.
A Please give me acake that is on the counter.



Q An ink in my pen is red.
A The ink in my pen is red.



Q My sister will come in the day or two.
A My sister will come in a day or two.



Q Some of a parking space at back are empty.
A Some of the parking spaces at theback are empty.



Q Work of many people made the project a success.
A The work of many people made the project a success.



Q One of a student said, “Professor is late today.
A One of thestudent said, “theProfessor is late today.



Q Sahara is in northern part of the Africa
A The Sahara is inthe northern part of Africa.







Q I think that people should protect environment.
A I think that people should protectthe environment.



Q A lot of children are accessing internet unsupervised.
A A lot of children are accessingthe internet unsupervised.



Q Pacific Ocean is one of the five oceans of world.
A ThePacific Ocean is one of the five oceans of theworld.



Q I was in little town, but when I was 12 my family moved to capital.
A I was ina little town, but when I was 12 my family moved tothe capital.



Q I have fixed appointment with doctor I talked about yesterday.
A I have fixed anappointment with doctor I talked about yesterday.



Q According to graph, number of working people has doubled.
A According tothe graph, thenumber of working people has doubled.



Q Poverty of people of rural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.
A The poverty of people of therural areas is not as visible as that of people in the city.



Q Is there post office near house you live in?
A Is there apost office near thehouse you live in?



Q I was walking to school when I saw cat.
A I was walking to school when I saw acat.



Q It is big decision to choose university.
A It is abig decision to choose auniversity.



Thank You!



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