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English Preposition Basic Concept

English Preposition Basic Concept


No Word Preposition Meaning Sentence
01 Abide in    
02 Abide by    
03 Abound in    
04 Abound with    
05 Absent from    
06 Absorbed in  
07 Access to    
08 According to  
09 Accompanied by    
10 Accompanied with    
11 Acquainted with    
12 Accused of    
13 Accustomed to    
14 Acquit of    
15 Add to    
16 Addicted to    
17 Adjacent to    
18 Admit of    
19 Admit to    
20 Admit into    
21 Affection for    
22 Affectionate to    
23 Afraid of    
24 Agree with    
25 Aim at    
26 Alarmed at    
27 Allot to    
28 Alternative to    
29 Aloof from    
30 Ambition for    
31 Angry with    
32 Annoyed with    
33 Anxious about    
34 Appeal to    
35 Appetite for    
36 Apply to    
37 Aptitude for    
38 Arrive at    
39 Argue with    
40 Assign to    
41 Ashamed of    
42 Ashamed for    
43 Attend to    
44  Attend on or upon    
45 Attach to    
46 Avail of    
47 Aware of    
48 Based on    
49 Beg for    
50 Beg of    


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